J.R. Monks- Artist of the West

J.R. Monks lives in Colorado on his families' ranch. J.R. chases the light and clouds primarily in the Pikes Peak region bringing images to life in oils and watercolors. His subjects range from landscapes to wildlife, and often the western heritage of the Rocky Mountains.
He describes himself as an American Realist with a nod towards Impressionism. Mentored by the late Paco Yong and currently Ralph Oberg. J.R. hopes to bring a unique yet authentic painting experience to all who view his work.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Inspiration to create art is as unique a thing to the individual artist as his or her fingerprint. I never really set out to be an artist with a capital "A'. I grew up appreciating big skies, abundant wildlife, and a lifestyle which required me to be outdoors more than indoors.

My mother always painted so I guess I saw her making images and followed the lead. I received a whole lot of encouragement early on and that led to an addiction I just never could kick.

I saw a quote attributed to Picasso once that speaks for my desire to paint. "Art is my mistress, and when she calls I must answer."